Jeff Layton Dethlores of Gehenna - Image of the Sea Beast Thank you my sis Cindy for your support 💗 Stacy Rock & Roll Villian Can you play this bad ass song for my bad ass friend Hookah Bob please!! Jonathan Howard Thank you guys for all you do!

Doc Rock


Metal Shop 101 History

Nestled in an abandoned steel mill on Pittsburgh’s riverfront, Metal Shop 101 blazes with Doc Rock at its helm, forging the city’s rock and metal scene anew. Doc Rock, with his tattooed arms, long hair, and metal band t-shirt, defies expectations with a big heart and a knack for nurturing musical talent.

Originating two decades ago at the Rock-A-Bye Café in South Hills, Pittsburgh, Metal Shop 101 began as Doc’s DJ gig, spinning tunes for local bands who gathered after rehearsals. What started as a casual hangout evolved into a platform for local bands to showcase their music, christened Metal Shop 101 by its devoted patrons.

Despite changes in ownership, Doc Rock’s passion persists. Revitalizing Metal Shop 101 on an internet-based radio station, he champions Pittsburgh’s underground scene, granting local and unsigned bands the global exposure they deserve. The original Metal Shop 101 banner remains a symbol of dedication to local talent, ensuring their voices echo far beyond the steel city’s borders.

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